TASL data forms
TASL data is prepared and reported so that it dovetails with eBird. Data transfer to eBird is facilitated using a standard excel reporting form, provided here.
The top 14 rows of the excel sheet are used for eBird housekeeping:
TASL location: I have entered the official site number for each of your stops. If I entered a wrong number or code, please fix it and let me know.
Latitude, longitude: Don't worry about these.
Date: I entered the date of this census. It needs to be at the top of each column.
Time: Record the time when you first arrive at the stop.
State, country and count type: Already entered.
Observers: Enter names once. You don't have to repeat for each column.
Minutes: This is important. Give the minutes you spent at the site.
All species reported? For most of us, that would be an N. I already discussed this with Marshall Illif. He says even if you put an x to show that a species was present, that is more information than if you enter absolutely nothing. However, I find it hard to break old habits. I really don't notice the pigeons, mockingbirds or crows.
Miles, acres: Don't worry about these.
Comments: I put the names of the stops in this space. Please review and send me corrections.
Data sheets for each Harbor sector are in a separate file. Please don't rename your excel sheet: I have named each correctly for this census:
WinthropBroad Sound
Deer Island
Winthrop Harbor
East Boston to South Boston
Neponset to L Street Beach
SquantumLong Island
Hough's Neck
Here is the older paper data sheet.
TASL winter data sheet (paper)
last updated: 2015.01.13
url: http://032acf2.netsolhost.com/tdatasheets.htm